The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon will host the congress PRELA 2019 "Professionals and Research in Applied Linguistics: methodological challenges, social implications and perspectives for action" on June 24-26th, 2019.
Following on from AFLA’s (the French Association of Applied Linguistics) two previous conferences: CRELA 2013 (Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics) & TRELA (Research fields in Applied Linguistics), the PRELA conference (Professionals and Research in Applied Linguistics) aims to question the methodological challenges, social implications and perspectives for action in the field of Applied Linguistics. The conference will address a variety of situations and questions, such as: Can studies in applied linguistics contribute to more inclusive education to better respond to the diversity of learners?What can applied linguistics bring to the understanding of technology mediated interactions? How can research in applied linguistics contribute to improving ergonomics and communication in the workplace (in hospital, aviation, police settings, etc.)?
Find all the latest news here: deadlines, inscriptions, programme, etc.